My Story
I was born in an artistic family in a big and beautiful city Tehran, capital of Iran. Being lucky enough to have a kind, cute Mum with brunette skin tone and my handsome Dad with blue eyes and light skin. This is about my charming gene!
At 12 noon on August 16th 1968, the sound of my crying wrapped up the hospital and my Dad who was proud of having a baby boy, showered the whole hospital with sweets.
The first 5 years, I was the king and boss in our house and spoiled with the full attention of my parents. But exactly after 5 years and 5 days and 5 hours, my gorgeous sister changed my world and took me out of the loneliness. I shared my assets with her, my toys, my food, my heart and …….
At that time, my father was a professor in Tehran university, very disciplined and hardworking. He has done an amazing job in modern technology in photography including medical science photography. My father contributed his portion to our society by educating knowledgeable and expert students.
I remember the twilight well enough, when my father was taking me to school and was going to the university himself. At the end of each day, he was picking me up and taking me to different private art sessions. It was dark when we were getting back home.

Since then, I fell in love with music and my first experience was playing violin. Day by day, adding more musical instruments and classical singing inspired me with an awesome feeling; flying in dreamy sky, dancing across the ocean and living in desirable paradise!
Beside my interest to the art, our wonderful tryst was my grandmother’s warm and unforgettable house in Shiraz the city of love, poem and passion. Hafez, Saadi, Shiraz starry sky, relatives and my playmates ….. WOW! Whenever I had the opportunity, I was performing for them and was getting their full attention.
Through the time, I discovered my potential in art and decided to get more involved. So, I started to learn and practice photography as well as painting.
Since I had planned to move to Germany, at age of 18, suddenly decided to go to military. Maybe I was so enthusiastic about my goal, that is why I made a rush decision. Having said that, I quickly found myself an experienced, full scale and fully trained soldier. My parents had no idea about me for 4 months. They were worried, frustrated and prepared for any bad news.
Right after completing my military service, the German university acceptance in dentistry, passport and ticket to Germany all were ready. I was missing something and was feeling lost. I truly was in love with art. Even after one year studying in university, I couldn’t give up the art. Of course, as we all know because of culture, becoming a Dr. was a pride for any Iranian family to get lots of credit. But in Europe was exactly vice versa. An artist had lots of respect in entire society and was always on top and the center of attention. Well, I changed my study field from dentistry to art. I was touched by the love of art under my skin so I continuously kept studying music, cinema, theatre and stage acting.
I was keen to be the big fish in my own pond. I came back home to focus on my path and to get experience in artistic fields. Luckily in a short period I’ve got the first offer to act in a movie.
Few years later, I suddenly received a weekly journal which my name was mentioned in, including my agreements for playing with one of the famous movie stars in four movies. I just thought this is not fair to the protagonists in my field while I am still an art university student. With all the respect that I had for my Masters, I refused to sign the last two contracts. Professionalism, responsibility, team work, trustworthy and my integrity, have been more important than shining as a star.
To make my long story short, now I am at the point that most of you asked me about;
I was 35 that I fell deeply in love with my soulmate; a highly respected, smart, gorgeous and elegant lady. I couldn’t wait long and one year later, got married with her. After three years when I was feeling one of the luckiest husbands in the world, my adorable daughter opened her beautiful eyes in to our loving family and I became the happiest father.
Well, becoming a family man with lots of responsibility to my family, encouraged me to start a new career beside the challenging and competitive artistic life. So, I continued my study and established my new business as an architect.
I never accepted all the roles, which were offered to me because of money and popularity. I’ve been always a self-respected artist in my entire life who breathed the art’s oxygen which is the strongest connection to the audience’s heart and mind.